W.I.L.D is a project made possible by many creatives.
All Poems Produced by Surgeon except Philo-suffer, Produced by Dj Greal.
All Poems written and performed by G-king and featured Artistes.
Here’s the complete album.
Below is the W.I.L.D Booklet in PDF format written by : Merie (Alex Izang)
A WILD KING : A review of Gking WILD.Download
SUPPORT GKING. you can email Gking : wordsbygking@gmail.com
Follow G.King on social media instagram and twitter is @wordsbyGking facebook page is G-King.
An interview session with Gking
Interviewer: Hello G. King, it is nice having on “24 Hype Artist Session.”
G. king: Thank you, my pleasure.
Interviewer: So “W.I.L.D” is one year old, tell us in two words what’s the experience so far?
G. king: Well in two words “On God”.
Interviewer: Smiles.. And In more than two words?
G. king: I will say Blessed, Adventurous, Amazing, Engaging, Rewarding and Challenging as well. The list goes on. God’s grace and faithfulness is all I see.
You know, Putting out something from within you to the public is like distributing your shoes to them. As you lead them through your own journey. Art is a beautiful and powerful tool. I consider myself privileged to be of this tribe.

Interviewer: So from a scale of 1-10, how will you rate the success of WILD?
G. king: Permit me to add a zero to the 10. “WILD,” is beyond your scale and my own scale too. It exceeds my expectations, I received tons of testimonies, Reviews, Nominations and Yes! “WILD,” won “The Green Award 2020”too. That’s Success spelled in Full.
Interviewer: WOW Congratulation sir. You mentioned “challenging” earlier, do you mind sharing?

G. king: Yeah of course this is the “WILD,”even lions have challenges in the “WILD.” Mine I will say is financial constraint. I want to make videos, and tour round major cities in the country with my team spreading, the “WILD” Message, and lots of other ideas to execute, but unfortunately finances and sponsorship are some of the things we are still trusting God for.
Interviewer: So King, should we expect anything new from you soon?
G. king: Yes! Though I can’t disclose when and the nature of the project, but hey! I’m here for this; illuminating the World with the Word of Life through spoken word poetry and music. I am a believer of growth, creativity and excellence so expect beyond your expectations.
Interviewer: Great! We will anticipate it. Few words, before we draw the curtain.

G. king: Love! Let Love lead us, our faith be more practical and hope never seize. I want to say A big thank you to everyone that has supported me in one way or the other I am grateful, God Bless.
Interviewer: Thank you guys, we have come to end of this episode of “Artist Session” with Amaka.