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As Nigerians Match the street demanding an End to Bad Governance In Nigeria, Deze Africa CEO and J-Tow Multi-talented Artist Chohu Artraktion released a street Anthem titled “Oga Politician”. 

Oga Politician is more than just a song; it’s a battle cry. This powerful anthem, set to ignite the consciousness of a nation, is a scathing indictment of the endemic corruption and misgovernance that has plagued Nigeria for far too long. 
The track opens with a potent statement: “Soro Soke,” “Arewe Soke” – a rallying cry demanding that the people rise up and speak up. This is immediately followed by a damning accusation: the younger generation is learning the art of deceit from their political mentors. A sobering realization that the cycle of corruption is being perpetuated. 
The chorus is a thunderous declaration of defiance. The people have had enough. Their eyes are open, and they are demanding accountability. This is no longer about empty promises; it’s about concrete actions and tangible results. The song is a clarion call to challenge irresponsible Governance, a declaration that the era of complacency is over. 
The verses paint a harrowing picture of a nation in distress. The betrayal by those entrusted with power is laid bare. The manipulation of religion and tribalism to divide and conquer is exposed. The promises of a better life, a staple of political rhetoric, are revealed as hollow lies. The people are hungry, insecure, and impoverished, victims of a system designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many. 
The bridge is a chilling indictment of economic mismanagement. The country is drowning in debt, a consequence of reckless borrowing and a lack of productive investment. The question hangs in the air: who will bear the burden of this financial recklessness? 
Oga Politician is more than just a song; it is a cultural moment. It is a reflection of the collective pain and anger of a people who have endured decades of hardship. It is a call to action, a demand for a better future. This is a song that will resonate with Africans across the continent, inspiring hope and igniting a fire for change. 
In a world where music often serves as escapism, Oga Politician dares to confront the harsh realities of life. It is a testament to the power of art to inspire and mobilize. This is not just a song; it is a movement and a revolution

This is the song for the season

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For Artists jump on this open verse challenge and bring in your A game

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By king

Call Me King. I am a Web developer, Content Creator, Digital Marketer. - -- Contact no: +2347062471679. -- Email Address:

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