They say everyone gets cold feet towards their wedding, on their wedding day and in some cases, even when taking vows. An old friend once said “even after being declared husband and wife, after moving in with your husband, the question as to whether you made the right choice or not will keep popping up in your head”.
I boasted to anyone that cared to listen that I’d have no cold feet on my big day. I did not just say it, I actually meant it. Nothing will make me reconsider or even doubt my decision to marry Jim. Now that I think about it, it was not just the blind and aimless love I had for him. It was more.
After five different abortions, pushing away credible suitors, quitting school to help fund his education as we were not capable of paying for two, I think it was my right to get married to him.
Jim and I were childhood sweethearts. After surviving the hard days at Rose of Sharon Orphanage, we moved out at eighteen. Actually, he moved out first when he clocked eighteen and three years later, I joined him. I manned his business while he went to school. We cohabited for ten years but never got married.
After much persuasion, knowing fully well that he was ready financially as he now has a good paying job and our business is still going on fine, he proposed and the wedding preparations began.
The night before the wedding, two people were present at the house with us. The two people that were to serve as best man and chief brides maid and also witnesses to our wedding at the registry come morning.
I woke up in the middle of the night thirsty and Jim was not in bed. I figured he must be in the restroom so I strolled downstairs to get myself a glass of water.
Halfway down the stairs, I began hearing some sounds, it sounded like people murmuring at first but the closer I got to the last stair, the more audible the sounds became. They were moans. I smiled and thought about how naughty both our friends were. Banging on my dining table was crazy, really crazy.
I decided to move quietly to get what I needed without them noticing. I was succeeding at that until I heard “cum for daddy”. Immediately, I stopped on my tracks. That was Jim’s voice. Was Jim sleeping with my friend? I asked myself. I decided to get answers so I switched on the dinning lights and right before my eyes was the greatest shock of my life. My husband to be was having the time of his life with his best friend- a man.
The shock on the three faces at the dinning that night was epic. No words, just short gasps after I switched on the light and the long stares followed. I stared in disbelief with my mouth agape and my head spinning round and round and round till everywhere went dark as I slumed to the ground.
I woke up the next day in my bed, my darling husband to be was by my side. Immediately my eyes opened, he went on his knees to beg and explain, neither of which I could comprehend. I simply asked “what’s the time, send the makeup artist in, I can’t afford to be late for my own wedding, you should go get dressed too”
The look on his face when I said that was priceless, I fought so hard to keep myself from laughing. After all, I am bi-sexual too, my chief brides maid is my partner which makes everything perfect for me. Our marriage will just be a cover up for who we really are. The only thing is, I’d let guilt eat him up and make sure he never finds out about my other side.
One look at my wedding gown glowing in all it’s whiteness, I knew getting married to Jim will be my best decision yet.