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By celebrating the breathtaking landscapes and unyielding spirit of Plateau State’s inhabitants, this poem seeks to galvanize its citizens to join forces with the government in shaping a brighter tomorrow. Through its verses, it conveys a powerful call to action, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in driving meaningful transformation. At its core, the poem’s vision is one of upliftment, harmony, and forward-thinking progress.

Hailing from Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria, Chaka Samuel, aka Pagez, is a spoken word poet, actor, and a creative powerhouse. He is studying Educational Management at the University of Jos, Pagez artistic inclinations have been a constant source of motivation throughout his life. The moniker Pagez has become synonymous with excellence in the realm of spoken word poetry and acting.

Beyond his artistic endeavors, Pagez is deeply committed to serving his community and humanity at large. His volunteer work with non-profit organizations has earned him several recognition and accolades. He is passionate about community service and dedicated to nation-building.

Pagez is an optimistic individual, who values his quiet time, although he humorously confesses to being a less-than-graceful dancer.


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Call Me King. I am a Web developer, Content Creator, Digital Marketer. - -- Contact no: +2347062471679. -- Email Address:

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